Kinesiology is a complimentary natural health modality that focuses on all aspects of your health and wellbeing. Kinesiology looks at your body as a whole system and asseses all five aspects of your health. Kinesiology looks at your physical, structural, nutritional, emotional and spiritual health. Treating the body as a whole and looking at each of these aspects of self is necessary to achieve complete balance in your life.

The principle of Kinesiology is that if one area of your health is out of balance it can create a flow on effect to other areas of your health and wellbeing. When there is a blockage in one specific area it can create problems in other areas.

Using muscle monitoring, Kinesiology accesses your own unique innate wisdom to identify which area needs to be looked at and assessed. Once the aspect of health is identified we then delve into how the body wants to correct it.


Muscle monitoring uses a bio feedback mechanism as an indicator as to what causes the body stress. The idea behind this is that when there is no stress on the body the muscle tested can stay strong and holds it integrity. When there is stressed placed on the body the muscle can not hold its position and this is how Kinesiology uses the muscle as a way of by passing the logical brain and accessing the subconscious where all the answers to our imbalance hide. The art of muscle monitoring is the key to Kinesiology as we use the bio feedback mechanism and its response as to where we actually need to go in the body to restore balance.

Kinesiology removes stagnant energy and replaces it with vitality and improved energy levels.

Kinesiology identifies old patterns, beliefs and imbalance in the body. Once identified balance can be restored giving you the freedom to live the life you want, handing you the key to unlock your full potential.

Why is it important to have Balance in all areas of life?

If all areas of your life are in balance your day to day life will flow and everything you do will be easy and effortless. The body will be able to function optimally and you will have abundant energy.

Kinesiology helps you in all aspects of your health and wellbeing journey. Looking at your physical, emotional, nutritional and spiritual health and allowing the bodies energy system to restore balance.